Saturday, August 7, 2010

In Memory of Mom

I try to keep this blog within the things related to my artwork and career, and not so much my personal life stories, but this time I can't help but to write about the most amazing person I knew that just left this world and is now in heaven.

This past month I was in Korea for a month to visit my mom who was struggling with cancer for years. One morning, I got an email from my oldest sister telling me that mom's gotten a lot worse. Right away, I called my dad, and what he told me was too much of a shock for me, I was lost for words. He told me that he was expecting her to live about a month or two long, and that we(me and my sister) should come see her before it was too late.

At the time, my sister just started a new job, and I was offered to work on another project with at&t. But we had to leave everything behind. it was that season when it was hard finding a plane ticket to Korea, so we ended up going to Korea a week after we heard the news.

When I first saw her, I tried really hard not to cry because I didn't want her to see us grieve.. I didn't want her to lose hope... but that attempt failed.. both me and my sister broke down at the sight of her..

She was unable to talk, and there was no focus in her eyes, but when I called her, she looked at me and seemed surprised that I was there right in front of her. then she lost focus in her eyes again.. later when I tried calling her again, she looked at me and smiled. and then from that point on, all she did was sleep, and occasionally make noises to claim that she's in pain.

Dad, my sisters, my brother and I almost lived at the hospital. We took turns watching her overnight, and during the day, other family members came to help. I can't imagine how hard it was for my big brother and sister who also had to go to work everyday.

While I was at the hospital, I met most of my relatives whom I haven't seen for years. I also saw many of mom's friends and former co-workers come and go. Watching them weep in sorrow made me realize what a great person she was.. and I so wished she would wake up and recognize them, and talk to them..

One time, everyone in the room left for lunch, and I got to be with mom by myself. I'm so thankful for that moment, because I got to tell her everything I've been wanting to say to her.. I told her I was sorry, and that I was thankful, and that I loved her so much. I wish I could've told her these earlier. She didn't respond in anyway, but I want to believe she heard me.

A week after we arrived in Korea, she passed away on a Sunday morning before the Sun was up. It was a few hours after Korea lost to Uruguay in World Cup. I remember it was raining outside as if the sky was grieving too.
I was lucky enough to be holding her hands and watch her go at her moment of passing. I will never forget that moment. when her breath slowly faded, and her hand stiffened.. the four day long sleepless funeral.. the cremation, the burial..

When I first met her was probably when I was three, when she came to Maryland to visit my dad who was really sick. Yes, she wasn't my biological mother. She was the wife of my dad's big brother. (my uncle) After both my parents passed away from cancer, my uncle and aunt embraced me and my sister into their home and became our parents. Growing up, I never had to be reminded of the fact that I was an orphan because they made sure, they filled up the place that was missing from my life. They were so loving and caring, and so were their children (my cousins) who are my big brother and sister now. Honestly I don't know how many people can easily decide to adopt two children not of their own, and raise them like their own children. And for that alone, I have tremendous respect for mom and dad, and I cannot even begin to think how different my life would have been without them.

When I first started living with mom and dad in Seoul, may be because I knew she wasn't my real mom, I had a hard time talking to her comfortably. Both my mom and dad had a job, and so they always came home late in the evening. and my grandma took care of me and my sister most of the time, so I guess back then I was closer to my grandma.

One time, I was a fifth grader, and we were having a camping night at school, and everyone's mom was supposed to be there. I knew my mom wasn't going to make it because of work. Then when it was time for moms and the children to dance, my mom surprised me from the back and smiled at me. She looked as if she rushed to make it on time from work.
I don't remember what she said to me, but we started dancing, and I can't, will not ever forget that moment. I think that was the moment I engraved in my head that she really was my mother.

Here's another thing I remember about her. I was about 12 and it was her birthday, and I went to the market and got her a ridiculously bright, cheap looking red lipstick. it was about a dollar,
and the color was just so red, it looked like something clowns would wear. I was too young then, and I thought all women would like red. I remember the next morning, her wearing the bright red lipstick as she was going to work. Now that I think about it, it must've been really embarrassing.. and now that I think about it, I think she wore it on purpose to let me know that she liked my gift.. to make me feel good..

There are many more memories i have of her..
Never forgetting to bring home a cake and gifts after work on my birthdays..
Coming to my high school festival and surprising me at my cartooning club exhibition,
and giving me a flower bunch...
Always getting me and my sister something really nice whenever she came back from a business trip outside of Korea.
Crying at my farewell dinner, before I left Korea to come to the states..
Coming all the way to Virginia with me to look around my new high school.. to make sure that I'll be studying in a good environment...

Whenever I went to visit them in Korea, just before I had to come back to the states, she would always give me packs of dried anchovies and seaweed for me to take home.. I never liked that because I didn't want to be inquired at the airport for bringing in foods from overseas.. and also because they had them here too... she also got me books to read, which I never really read.. and always wrote me a card.. telling me to be strong.. and passionate..
I didn't give much thoughts then, but now that I look back, these little things she did for me make me miss her so much, and realize how much she loved me.

My mom was the first born of 7. Her mom passed away just when she got married to my dad who was also the first born son of 7, and all the responsibilities she had to fulfill, I cannot even begin to describe. She was basically the mother figure to all of her brothers, sisters and in-laws.
On top of all of these, she had a full time job, two children to raise, and her mother in-law to take care of who I remember was very mean.. And when her sisters and brothers seemed to be settling down, me and my sister came along. There was just no break for her. Things kept on happening. but she never complained or neglected us. She raised me since I was 4 till I was 17, and even after I came to the states, she continued to support me and my sister financially and mentally.

3 years ago, she retired from her job, only to find out that she had cancer. It started out as a thyroid cancer, then breast, then lung.. eventually to all of her back and neck.. it just never stopped spreading.. I hoped she'd have some time to relax and enjoy life after her retirement, but instead, she had to suffer from all the chemotherapy, endless examinations and surgeries..

One of my aunts told me, when she was barely conscious, a nurse asked her how many children she had, and she answered 'two sons and two daughters'.. I could not stop myself from crying when I heard that. It is just so unfair.. how she had to suffer when all she did all her life was constantly give and love.

The fact that I was nothing but a burden all her life, and that she passed away before I even got a chance to pay back a tiny bit of what I owe her leaves me with so much regret and sorrow.
I didn't give her phone calls as often as I could've... even after I heard she had cancer,
for some reason I wasn't too worried. She was never sick all her life, and she was still young,
and because she sounded healthy over the phone.. I just thought everything would be okay as long as I believed God would heal her.

Two days before I came back to the states, I went to mom's grave to say goodbye. Coming back home while leaving dad alone was especially hard. Sure, my brother and sister are close by, but without mom, I cannot imagine the loneliness and emptiness he feels.

I know the only thing I can do now is to move forward and live a life that would make her proud.
but I will never be at peace with this regret I have... that I didn't get to do anything for her.. when she's done so much for me.. that it's too late for everything.

You've worked so hard and gave so much to the people around you all your life..
Thank you for loving me unconditionally. I am forever in debt to you.
whether we're blood related or not does not matter.
you will always be my mother.
I love you and miss you so much.
and I'm so proud to be your son.
Rest in peace

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Ending Credit

Ending Credit from Sun-Joon Robert Hwang on Vimeo.

This is an ending credit I made yesterday for somebody I've never even met. It's someone's thesis project according to my friend who requested me to make this, and I thought I'd post it here since I don't have any drawings to post for now. I haven't been drawing because I was busy lately with a new freelance job I got with AT&T. It's a 4 week long project, and I have a week left to finish whatever I'm doing. I've been drinking red bull almost everyday and wrestling with Aftereffects every night. I hope they like whatever I'm doing right now, and hope it leads to some more projects too.

Monday, March 29, 2010


I've been drawing some portraits/caricature of people around me. 

Children's Book Illustration

I was asked to do some illustrations for a book my cousin wrote, and here's one possibility of the main character's look. What I don't like about my drawing is that I have no distinct, unique style. This is a start, but I need to develop it more and make it more stylized and attractive. This is one time I can take risks since it's a children's book. I will upload more designs later.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


These are some quck storyboards I drew in painter the other day. We have an upcoming MV project and I had to prepare some visuals to show the client. This is going to be a challenging project because there are lots of things we're attempting for the first time. But I gotta say I'm excited!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

3D tracking

I've been busy trying to learn these 3d programs called maya and boujou. I'm going to have to know how to use them for the upcoming MV project we are about to start. This clip was filmed in front of my apartment, then 3d tracked in boujou, then exported to maya. In maya I modeled the 3d texts, placed lights, then exported the whole thing back to AE for final compositing and color correction. This little clip took me so long because I had to watch tutorials after tutorials to learn the softwares. I'm satisfied with the outcome, but I hope to get faster next time!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Friday, February 26, 2010

Random Drawings

I was told by one of my friend about this artist she knows, that currently works at the Blue Sky studio. I checked out his blog and was blown away by his work. The sad part was that he was only a couple of years older than me. When I came back to my blog and looked at my drawings, it was depressing. I felt the urge to draw more and get better. Usually this kind of motivations don't last long, but I think this time it really hit me hard. I favorited his blog so I can go visit it once in a while and use it as my driving force.

Friday, February 12, 2010

2010 demo reel

Robert Hwang Demo Reel 2010 from Sun-Joon Robert Hwang on Vimeo.

Instead of making it fancy like last time, I quickly edited my reel in Final cut pro.
no text effects or transition effects... and it took me half a day.
Guess this is the right way to do it. since I have to update my reel often..
I cant spend too much time on it.

My reel now consists more of motion graphic samples.
I've always wanted to be an animator (animating cartoon characters)
I was so determined since I was little, and until college, I never doubted
I would give up this dream of mine.
Not that I decided to give up becoming an animator, but before I could even realize, I was heading towards becoming a motion graphic artist...
Working with people in productions, and trying to survive in this industry with scarce job opportunity... and many more reasons probably drove me this way.
I don't really mind becoming a motion graphic artist, but somehow it makes me feel sad that I am no longer so determined to be an animator.
I feel like a failure that gave up his dream. even though that's not the case.
I still want to be an animator and will pursue it sooner or later.

Some drawings I posted below were characters from my new film.
but I decided to scratch that idea for now.
I just need to make something that has contents...
that makes people think...
rather than something that's just marginally funny..

Monday, January 18, 2010

Happy New Year

Happy New year everyone.
I started off this year really bad but hope everybody else had a good start. I was sick for more than a week, and I couldn't eat anything in the beginning. I've never been sick for such a long time. I just hope this means there's one less bad thing I have to go through this year. I finally feel like I'm fully recovered, and to celebrate that, I cleaned up my room and tried to draw. My cintiq has been functioning as a simple monitor most of the time, and I'm trying to change that. the painting above is some random character I drew, and I tried using the oil brushes in corel painter for the first time. I'm very new to this software, and up until now, I thought no other softwares could top photoshop when it comes to painting, but that's about to change. I love how it makes me feel like I'm actually using the traditional medium and I don't have to worry about getting my hands dirty. even though there's a lot for me to explore with this software, I think I'm going to be using this very often from now on. It just makes painting so much easier and faster. and I hope this means that I'll be updating my blog more often. There's so many softwares I want to master. 2010 will be a very important year for me and I better well spend it.