Sunday, September 2, 2012

Character Designs

Character designs done for at&t a while back.

And these are the animated clips before compositing. 
These were done a while ago, but I thought I'd post them since I don't have much recent work to share. College Board has been keeping me busy and I am mostly doing corporate style motion graphics. There are cons and pros. I definitely am hungry for some creative work though. 

Sunday, July 15, 2012

iphone tracking

This is a quick mockup video Steven and I created for a pitch, demonstrating how the Accuplacer app is used. We filmed my hands making motions on a blank screen then tracked it in Mocha. The content was created and animated in Aftereffects. Rotoscoping isn't perfect here, but this was a good practice, and I think we'll be able to make it look much better and nicer if we were to actually do this. Apple, let us create your next ipad demo video!!

Friday, June 8, 2012


I was asked to come up with the whole design package for an online show at&t tech channel is hosting on their website, starting from a logo to the opening and layout formats.  The image above was the first draft I came up with that didn't get selected. Unfortunately I don't have a clean copy of the final design to post here because I created it using a plugin I don't own.
    Graphic design is always hard for me. The fact that I didn't have any official training makes me not confident. I'm glad I was given the opportunity to work on this though. It just brought something different to the table for me because most of the time, at&t hires me to do character animation. I will have to have better graphic design sense, since there will be many more like this to come when working for Idle Wheel Productions.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Puppet animation

This was a powerpoint presentation during a conference at at&t.
It was meant to be played in the background while a presenter was doing his presentation in the front.
My role was to do all the character animation, and the editor at at&t tech channel did all the background and special effects. I personally think it's a bit slow-paced and long, but since this is a background piece and has to be timed with the presentation itself, it works out okay.