Friday, December 9, 2011

College Board Project

So, I got to work on another College Board project, except this time they were my direct client! Thanks to Gloria Chen, me and my team Idle Wheel, were referred to College Board, and they hired us to work on the video content for their website. This was an overwhelming experience in a positive way, because this was our first paid gig ever, and the biggest client we ever had up until now. And through this, we officially registered our team as an LLC company. Thinking about the first day we met at Bite Asia Entertainment, and the days we spent working on free music video projects to build our portfolio, makes me feel proud that we stuck together this whole time, and that we are where we are right now.
 The project entailed interviewing professors and college board staffs about their College Level Examination Program(CLEP) at a conference in San Diego, and making different cuts of videos for different purposes. The thumbnails above are from the video we made for the social media purpose that will be posted on their youtube account.
It was pretty draining to work on this and work for at&t at the same time, but it was totally worth it and time well-spent.  I hope this will lead to more projects and that Idle Wheel will continue on!