Thursday, May 26, 2011


It's been almost a month since I moved out and started living alone, but for some reason it still doesn't feel like I'm living alone. May be because I was too busy working and unpacking that I didn't have the time to let it sink in. Or may be it's because Zero always makes sure to greet me home when I get home.

Friday, May 20, 2011

The Proposal

So about a month ago, Steven's good friend Billy needed help creating a proposal DVD that he wanted to use while proposing to his girlfriend. I was asked to work on the first part of the video (their first date), while Steven worked on the rest. I tried to go for a simple, paper cut-out like style and I'm happy with how it turned out considering that I rushed through it at the end. I don't want to post the entire video, so here are some screen shots of the part I worked on.