Friday, December 9, 2011

College Board Project

So, I got to work on another College Board project, except this time they were my direct client! Thanks to Gloria Chen, me and my team Idle Wheel, were referred to College Board, and they hired us to work on the video content for their website. This was an overwhelming experience in a positive way, because this was our first paid gig ever, and the biggest client we ever had up until now. And through this, we officially registered our team as an LLC company. Thinking about the first day we met at Bite Asia Entertainment, and the days we spent working on free music video projects to build our portfolio, makes me feel proud that we stuck together this whole time, and that we are where we are right now.
 The project entailed interviewing professors and college board staffs about their College Level Examination Program(CLEP) at a conference in San Diego, and making different cuts of videos for different purposes. The thumbnails above are from the video we made for the social media purpose that will be posted on their youtube account.
It was pretty draining to work on this and work for at&t at the same time, but it was totally worth it and time well-spent.  I hope this will lead to more projects and that Idle Wheel will continue on!

Monday, June 27, 2011

It's been a year

Last year today, 
I was holding her hand saying my last goodbyes.
엄마손을 잡고 마지막을 지켜보았다.
벌써일년이란 시간이 지났구나.
엄마에게 자랑스러운 아들이 되고싶은데 
그렇지 못하게 살고있는거 같아 죄송스럽다.
My thoughts are still with you always

Thursday, May 26, 2011


It's been almost a month since I moved out and started living alone, but for some reason it still doesn't feel like I'm living alone. May be because I was too busy working and unpacking that I didn't have the time to let it sink in. Or may be it's because Zero always makes sure to greet me home when I get home.

Friday, May 20, 2011

The Proposal

So about a month ago, Steven's good friend Billy needed help creating a proposal DVD that he wanted to use while proposing to his girlfriend. I was asked to work on the first part of the video (their first date), while Steven worked on the rest. I tried to go for a simple, paper cut-out like style and I'm happy with how it turned out considering that I rushed through it at the end. I don't want to post the entire video, so here are some screen shots of the part I worked on.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Rotoscope Project

Finally I can share with you one of the projects I did for at&t! Usually they don't let me share any of the work I do for them, but I was glad to find this on their website. :) This was all rotoscoped, meaning traced frame by frame from a live action footage. Then I replaced the backgrounds and added in all the graphic animation. The process was a bit tedious, but watching it now on their website makes me feel it was all worth it :D
Hope you all enjoy!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

College Board projects

I had the honor of working for a company whose client was College Board. The type of work I did includes storyboarding, opening/closing animation, and general motion graphic art. I remember around the time I was applying for colleges, going on many times to check my SAT scores and have them sent to schools. Who knew I was going to be working for them one day! well.. not directly... but still! :D

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Demo reel opening

So the huge project I was working on for at&t finally came to an end a few weeks ago, and I just started working for Furnace Media again today for another College Board project.

During the few weeks of break I had, me and my friends got together to finish up our demo reel which we have been trying to finish for the longest time. Above is the demo reel opening I made using maya and after effects. It has been so long since the last time I touched Maya, I barely remembered how to do anything. Those simple rotating wheels took me almost a day and a half to finish. I need to use Maya more consistently before I forget everything about it.

Unfortunately the opening above didn't make it in our reel. Upon my friend's request, I had to change the color of the wheels, and get rid of the old film effect. But for my own taste at least, I like this version the best.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Background arts

Happy 2011 whoever's reading this!

I am ashamed It's been half a year almost since the last time I updated this blog. (I feel like I say this too much)

Good thing is though, that as soon as I came back from Korea last summer, I constantly had projects to work on.

These are some backgrounds I drew for the most recent project I worked on for at&t. (I actually just delivered the final copy this morning) Unfortunately I can't post the entire video anywhere due to copyright issues. but I hope they'll let this one slide.. haha..