Thursday, December 17, 2009

Diva design

Now that I've installed windows 7, and all other tools I needed,
My computer looks better than ever.
I love how clean it is and how convenient it is for me to access things I use often so easily.
Other than that my printer isn't working right now,
Everything is set! (it took me quite a while...)
I can't remember the last time I posted a drawing here.
shame on me. This is a character design for a short film I have in mind.
more to follow. hopefully.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

demo reel 2009

Robert Hwang Demo Reel 2009 from Sun-Joon Robert Hwang on Vimeo.

so here's my demo reel that I just finished.
My first official demo reel!
I'm not so proud to say that I've finally made my demo reel
when it's been more than a year since I graduated. My only excuse is that I wanted
to wait until I had some good samples. Not that I'm totally satisfied with what I
have right now. Hopefully I'll have better samples as I go on.
It's got clips of projects I've been working on.
If you'd like to see full versions of my films and other videos,
You'll be able to watch most of them here.

wow it's been a while!

I can't remember the last time I posted something on my blog.
This image here was done a while back when I was still an intern at
world leader's entertainment.
The theme was 'Nerdy Mythical Creatures'.
This is an unfinished work, but I'm posting it anyway because I don't know
if I'm even going to finish it.
I've been working on some music videos and other motion graphic projects.
I don't draw as often as I used to. but hopefully feeling compelled to
update this blog comsistently will make me draw more!