Saturday, December 12, 2015

I have many images to upload that are long overdue. 
These were one of the series of illustrations done for the 2015 conference. 
More to follow. Oh by the way, happy holidays!

Saturday, August 15, 2015

This is a small watercolor painting I did as a birthday gift to Steven. I know it looks random, but it basically represents one logo giving birth to another. (The orange being the company where Steven, Andy, and I first met, and the little gear wheel inside representing our current team logo.)

It's been such a long time since the last time I touched watercolor, or rather, any traditional medium at all. Working as a motion graphic artist, my job never requires me to draw anything traditionally. I do do some sketches occasionally, but even that's done on my Cintiq.
It only makes sense considering how convenient and time efficient digital painting is. 

I used to think back in college, painting digitally can never top using traditional mediums. I had some sort of pride about this, and it was almost an excuse for me not to learn to use photoshop or flash. I quickly realized not learning them was a big disadvantage, and decided to delve into it. 

Once I became comfortable painting digitally, I fell in love with it. 
I loved how easily I was able to reverse mistakes, and the choices of softwares I had for different types of artwork. Not getting any paint on my hand was also a plus. 

All my paint tubes, pencils and brushes rested somewhere deep in my drawer and never saw the light for years since then, until a few weeks ago, I took them out to work on this painting. 
From the first brush stroke to last, I was reminded how much I loved to paint traditionally. 
I loved mixing colors to get the color I want, using the right amount of water to get the opacity I want.. and the ability to zoom in closely and work on small details without seeing pixels.

I'm glad Steven asked me to do a painting because it woke up the artist in me. I still have a long way to go in terms of skills, but it really motivated me to paint more. In fact I've been watching watercolor tutorials for hours the past few days. I even ordered more paints and some brushes from online. Watercolor was something I always didn't feel confident using. (I mainly used acrylic) I loved the look of it, but didn't have the skill and knowledge to do it right. I plan to watch more tutorials and practice more, and hopefully I will have something worthy of sharing it here.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

I have three mothers. Two in heaven, and one in Virginia. 
Despite unfortunate events, I always had a mother. I am so very lucky because of them.
Happy mothers day. 

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

So After about 3 years of working for at&t as a contractor, I got to start working as a full-time employee since February. This job is perfect for me because I get to work from home and work 4 days a week which allows me to dedicate some time for Idle Wheel. Another thing I love about this job is that I get to do lots of character animation which is what I've been wanting to, and trained to do. The orange character you see above is Murray, who I animate almost on a daily basis. Murray appears on many of their security campaign posters and videos, and these are two posters I created recently. 

Friday, December 27, 2013

Website headers

 This is also long overdue. I did some illustrations to be used as website headers for at&t.
I don't get asked to work on illustration jobs that often, but when I do, I have so much fun!
Sometimes I need a break from all those diamond keyframes you know...


Some more sketches I did for the same project below


Not that anyone reads this but hope you are all enjoying the holidays!
These are some illustrations I did a long time ago for at&t.
I was given multiple topics related to cyber security, and was asked to do some illustrations with different styles and treatments. More to follow!

Friday, October 4, 2013

AT&T Cyber Security Conference Opening

Early sketches
Some modeling and rigging

About two months ago, I got to work on the opening animation for at&t cyber security conference with my friend Michael. This was an awesome experience because 1. it was one of the most exciting projects I got to work on this year, 2. because I enjoy working with Michael, 3. I got better at 3d animation.

Prior to this project, I barely knew how to animate anything in Cinema 4d, but with the help of Michael and numerous tutorials I watched, I can now say I know cinema 4d a little bit if someone asks... I'm still a newbie but I hope this is a stepping stone to exploring more 3d animation. 

Friday, July 26, 2013

Character Design Gig

First post this year!!
I love it when at&t gives me occasional character design/illustration gigs.
For this one, I was asked to design a simple character using a blobby shape. 
Hopefully I'll get to animate these guys.